3 Reasons Why You Should Hire Professional Snow Removers

Snow plowing

Winter will be here before long, so start planning for snow removal now. You don’t want to wait until a snowstorm hits and then compete with dozens of other businesses and developments trying to get someone to plow their driveways and parking lots. Instead of trying to do the job yourself or making inexperienced staff remove snow, here are three reasons to consider hiring professional snow removal services.


Time is money, and snow removal can be a time-consuming task. Especially if there was a heavy snowfall or ice that needs to be removed as well. On snowy days you have job demand and other duties that limit your time to take care of snow build up. Instead of shoveling snow before handling other responsibilities yourself or sending untrained staff members to do it,  call Lewis Burns Tree Service’s professional snow removal in Dallastown, PA. While they use high-quality equipment to quickly remove the snow from your driveways, sidewalks, and parking area, you can be taking care of other tasks. 

Cost & Storage

Do you want to invest in heavy-duty snow removal equipment along with gas or electric costs to operate it? If you have a large parking lot or residential sidewalks to maintain you need heavy-duty equipment and someone to spend the day removing snow. All that begins to add up.

Storage is another consideration if you don’t have room in the garage or equipment shed of your business, as you may need to build a shed or garage just to house the large-scale equipment. If you are in an urban area with limited space this may not be a possibility. Choosing a professional snow removal company can provide you with an efficient and cost-effective option.


Contact Lewis Burns Tree Services for residential and commercial snow removal in York, PA to remove snow from your property. Common issues like hidden ice or deep snow can cause further difficulties for residence, customers, and others on the property. Having ice hidden can be a dangerous injury waiting to happen. Keeping clear parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks during the winter months also ensures that no one will get their vehicle stuck, and come and go easily. Let professionals take care of the hard work so you can protect yourself and others. 

Learn More

Snow removal is an important task during the winter months. Take the proper precautions and hire Lewis Burns Tree Services to remove snow for your: 

  • Apartment Complexes
  • Church Parking Lots
  • Business & Office Parking Lots
  • Shopping Centers
  • Municipalities
  • Developments & Homeowners Associations

Snow removal may seem like a simple task. But you may need to spend time on other more important tasks. You also might not want to manage snow removal equipment along with other outdoor and lawn care chores. Stay in and stay warm this winter and let the experts remove snow for you.

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